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For those members whose countries have been supplying Israel munitions & equipment to carry out their genocide & barbaric destruction of Palestinian homes because Hamas had the audacity to kill a few jews in return for 75 years of occupation & the murder of 100's of thousands of Palestinians here is a short report & video by Peter Osborne of the Jewish barbarity & illegality.

A report from just one small suburb in the West Bank:


FrayedBear 9 July 29

Enjoy being online again!

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Can't imagine how they survive that kind of hell on earth.


They were not occupied. In fact Israel gave up land in Gaza. Get your facts straight.

The (fake Jew) Zionist never did own this land in the first place. It's all done by greed, brutal murder and force.

Get real Alien the Jews stole it in the first place.

@Castlepaloma Obviously you have NO knowledge of history, so I'll merely snicker and ignore your comment.

@FrayedBear Obviously you have NO knowledge of history, so I'll merely snicker and ignore your comment.


Building dozens of top human history museums displays around the world and traveling over a 100 countries. Give me a decent road record on human and biological history.

What makes you an expert of human history,?

@Castlepaloma being alien he went to the university of the cosmos situate on Weetbix in the far flung galaxy of god creators G32451795.

@Castlepaloma Education, particularly because I minored in history. Now try to show us how Isreal occupied anything, after they left Gaza long ago.

@FrayedBear You are a bad joke. You have been proven wrong so many times it amazing you have the gall to continue to show your ignorance. Most of your comment (such as your 7/30 reply) make no sense at all.

@Alienbeing as I cannot identify which comment I made on 30 july I cannot comment.

@FrayedBear You can't identify anything so I am unsurprised. To help you, count up 5 posts from this one.

@Alienbeing the fifth up from yours was made by Castlepaloma.

@Alienbeing if you refer to "being alien he went to the university of the cosmos situate on Weetbix in the far flung galaxy of god creators G32451795" it is satire at your expense.

@Castlepaloma History ALWAYS shows that land is owned by those who can control it.

@Castlepaloma, @FrayedBear You two enjoy yourselves, no one else does.

@FrayedBear Mmmmm, apparently you can't count either.

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