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LOL, outrage from xtians & Musk at Olympic's Opening Ceremony. Many claiming that it disrespected xtian insanity. No one mentions however how it is welcoming Israeli Genocidal murdering Jews. Thankfully many spectators bood them.

Transgender Olympic ‘Last Supper parody’ sparks outrage (VIDEOS) []

FrayedBear 9 July 28

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This is French culture, they practically invent drag, have always been Gay Pari and don't share most of the west's fool obsession with demonizing sex and love.
Also this is a country that did not balk at piss taking the muslim prophet, even when extremist loonies began blowing up their publishing houses for it, they are not going to be particularly terrified by Italian men in dresses, tutting at them, English clergy mumbling "bad form chaps" and Elon Musk pretending he still has his testicles.


No Russians playing at the games for the fourth Olympics now in a row, because of a new reason for the war in Ukraine.

It seems satanic rituals represents the hell on earth, the world is in today. Those sickos.
How optimistic.

Quite fascinating that the xtians squeal but no mention is made of the welcome by the Olympics committee of the murdering genocidal psychopathic Jews from Israel. & Yeas very ironic that the Russians are banned.


The Olympics is drug testing China 5 times greater than any other countries. War is everywhere.

@Castlepaloma discrimination?

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