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Ho hum! This is becoming a common occurrence. Ukrainians wasting US taxpayer's donation through letting those vigilant Russians blow them up before they can be used. Surely questions must be asked in Congress?

Russian military strikes Ukrainian HIMARS-family launcher – MOD (VIDEO) []

Russian artillery destroys another US-made Abrams tank – MOD (VIDEO) []

FrayedBear 9 July 30

Enjoy being online again!

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Sitting ducks.

Best of American technology!

I'm fascinated that the launcher had a white cross on the roof - how kind of them to provide the "X" marks the spot target!


Kind of like the church given candles to Ukraines , so the drones could find them at night.


as chicken shit as it is, (genocide ass holes) you have to admit that Israel uses the tax payer weapons America gives them effectively

Leetx Level 7 July 30, 2024

Nah, They could have just poisoned the water supply & had 100% effeciency for a fraction of the cost but no, the Jews action is born out of deceit, deception & dishonesty.


Russian artillery destroys another US-made Abrams tank – MOD (VIDEO) []

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