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LINK I've been wearing sunscreen wrong | Skeptical Inquirer

I'm a natural blonde and sunburn in a NY Minute. This is good info.

HippieChick58 9 July 31

Enjoy being online again!

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A side comment which seems to have created a problem for other is spray on sunscreen. When I was taking an agnostic member to our most popular beach there were a lot (mostly women) who were spraying sunscreen on themselves. The spray went into the air and the scent was picked up by others. My visitor said the same thing happens on the beaches in Hawaii and it is a real nuisance for others. Be a little considerate when using spray on sunscreen.


Hats, huge sunglasses with sun protective lenses, long sleeves and plenty of sunscreen. Also...don't forget the exposure you get when driving. I've had three basal cell carcinomas removed (one on my eyelid!!!) and all on the left side of my face....where the sun hits me as I drive.


I’m a natural blonde also, but have fortunately been blessed with skin that does not get sunburn very easily. I do use sunscreen on my face, but unless I’m going to be in the sun well beyond two hours, I don’t bother to use it in my body.

I don't often use it, either I'm out early or not out at all. When we took the small people to the zoo, I used it well! I had a suntan for a few days there. Now I'm fading back to my normal ghost.

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