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Has anyone else seen the currently circulating outrageous video of a uniformed police officer strangling a very young child on the streets of Jerusalem outside the US embassy? It is currently circulating on WhatsApp the claim being that YouTube & Facebook are refusing to publish it.

Police strangling of under 10 year old children is obviously a common occurrence as passers-by were nonchalantly strolling past without batting an eyelid.

More barbaric inhuman Jewish behaviour by the "chosen race" or do you think it perfectly acceptable & normal?

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FrayedBear 9 Aug 2

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Haven't experienced one group of people hating another griup of people with such passion and for 7 and half decades. It's the greatest mental illness on record.. Many Isrealis say, they want Palestinians children dead, so they don't grow up and kill Jews.

Good call on the psycopathic trait but in reality I suspect that it has lasted as long as the religion has. And I was recently told that was stolen \plagiarised from the Hindus.

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