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Scott Ritter's opinion on the demise of Israel. Will they take America with them?

IMO a worthwhile 20 minute watch:

FrayedBear 9 Aug 11

Enjoy being online again!

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It's difficult to imagine two groups of people hating each other that much for decades.
It takes religion to pull that off.

Zionism is not a religion.


It is a cult that leads American politicaican around like they are the chosen ones.

@Castlepaloma they are chosen . . seemingly for their complicity in supporting Israeli gaslighting, paying $billions of US tax dollars to maintain the Israeli apartheid, genocide, imprisonment of the Palestinians. IMO they are chosen for their lack of moral fortitude - not exactly a compliment.

@Castlepaloma more like being led by noses stained from being inserted up the arses of those tugging on the reins.


I saw him propose this. If Iran play this very cool, and I think it's in them, they will not have a big retaliation. Israeli's are stressing waiting for it, let them wait forever. Hezbollah attack instead.
The way to defeat Zionism is create a Palestinian state. Unlikely Iran Vs Israel, but very likely Hezbollah Vs Israel.
Hopefully, Iran are playing the long game in Palestinians best interest.

puff Level 8 Aug 12, 2024

Except for US interference. I believe they're sending a missile submarine. Don't know yet if it's armed with nukes.


US is the only country to used nukes.
This is not Japan who were ready to surrender to US back in world war 2 .. This is Muslim nations, just starting to fight back to change history again. Brown People of the earth and spirit, they won't give up like the indigenous brown people of North America. Being the greatest genocide ever in human histoty. Who were brought down to 2% of their population. The BRICS are also in the wings for the middle east as back up.

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