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Think they're honest? Biden-Harris-Trudeau-Meta proven to be inciting violence regarding 2022 Canadian Freedom Trucker's Convoy. And you are going to vote for this woman who is largely basing her 2024 presidential campaign on a platform of honest open government?

Redacted discusses the US-Canadian conspiracy to hoodwink the Canadian & world citizens and invoke violence by the protesting truckers. Truckers incidentally protesting against a Canadian law subsequently found to be ultra vires the Canadian Constitution. The Americans behaviour probably yet again proving that USA is but a crude dictatorship.

FrayedBear 9 Aug 13

Enjoy being online again!

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Trudeau and Biden are gone from being reselected.
Many of the wealthiest superpower elitists are dying of old age. So I'm a little more optimistic.


makes no difference who votes for whom; the U.S. is on a fast track to hell. way worse than even Orwell could have imagined.

Problem is it's trying to take everyone else down with it.

@FrayedBear yes, i see they sucked Australia into buying many billions of $ worth of nuc subs.
trudeau agreed to buy their F35--the worst designed fighter aircraft ever.
their MIC (military industrial complex) is like a giant squid on the face of humanity.

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