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Zuckerberg should be brought to book at the ICJ. He is allowing facebook members to make posts inciting torture, extreme cruelty & genocide against Palestinians? What is your opinion?

Tzipi Navon is a staff member of the Israeli government. Facebook has allowed her to post the following on her page:

FrayedBear 9 Aug 15

Enjoy being online again!

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Another wife getting into politics and it simply needs to stop. Too bad these insane women have no idea what they are doing to a counties politics. Still, it might be a wake up call for voters to question the mates of the politician before voting. Perhaps this sort of think might finally be the downfall of Netanyahu!

Did you bother to look up her credentials?
She may well have been advising her husband on how best to inflict psychological harm on the Palestinians. She seeminingly avoided being found guilty of fraud against the state by pleading guilty to misuse of state funds in 2019. There have also been hearings of misconduct to domestic & security staff: []


Couldn't read Netanyahu on your post, although at US congress was the most horrible hateful speech I've ever heard in my life with Supporters. It should die out like the KKK.

A $150 billion lawsuit over genocide may force Facebook to confront its ...
Dec 15, 2021 — A $150 billion lawsuit over genocide may force Facebook to confront its dark side ... FILE — Rohingpya wait in line for humanitarian.

i hope your right!

Got an URL for that?

Netanyahu is not on my post. What bad dope have you been smoking today?


Now I can read it, what a phycopath sick puppy from the deepest depth of hell on earth. This person should be locked up in a cage,in a isolated part of a criminal insane asylum.

@Castlepaloma save money - do the same as the US government with uncontrollable Vietnam veterans who were given (&10,000+ accepted the offer) to be lobotomised & institutionalised the rest of their lives.


Sound like the movie Clockwork Orange. It might get banned.

@Castlepaloma it happened years ago post end of Vietnam war.

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