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Why is Trudeau & the Canadian Government being complicit in the Israeli Genocide of Palestinians?

A Canadian Doctor who returned from volunteering in Gaza give testimony of the result of Israeli Jewish atrocities & inhuman behaviour.

[] - oh look the page containing the doctors testimony has disappeared. I wonder if the doctor has also?

FrayedBear 9 Aug 19

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At least Trudeau stopped sending weapons to Isreal.

If I was making the most horrific torturing movie based on a true story. First it would be about covid vaccines and Gaza, maybe combined them.
The setting for the movie would in Isreal where everyone was once 100% vaccinated, double vaccinated.

What could be more horrible movie?. Imagine every family member trapped in their home forced to take their drugs from their drug cartel. If one member of the family doesn't or fail to take their drugs. They blow up your house where their body parts can't be identified as a whole body. Or a lesser jail sentence where uglest zionist can't get a date from any LGBT members, so they grant them by law to rape a prisoner.

Sick humor I know, better to laugh than to cry or get angry.

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