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A lengthy exposé by Scott Ritter on why he publishes on RT.

"One of the reasons I enjoy contributing to RT is the global diversity of their audience. But I also appreciate the relative purity of their message – in a world where the US and its compliant minions in the controlled Western press work overtime to manipulate audiences into accepting at face value and without question the American-driven narrative, RT and other non-Western news outlets provide alternatives which are fact-driven."
"both RT and I have an assiduous appreciation for fact-based truth." Scott Ritter.

Sadly, I can’t say that for any of the mainstream American media organizations I’ve worked with in the past.

Russia has never tried to dictate any narrative to me, unlike the West – Scott Ritter []

FrayedBear 9 Aug 19

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm a fan of Scott Fitter,alway want to hear both sides of a story and he has the right stuff to do it.

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