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A question asked but IMO not answered by Scott Ritter.

11 Jun, 2024 19:40
Russia & FSU
"Scott Ritter: Why did it take Russia so long to realize Donbass was worth fighting for?
As its military operation enters a critical stage, the question of why it took Moscow eight years to intervene remains a sensitive topic"
Scott Ritter


FrayedBear 9 Aug 19

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late March 2014 survey showed that in the Donbas 18% of residents supported separatist sentiments, 17% wanted their oblast to form an independent state, and 24% would like it to join a foreign country.. Russia first empire was setup in Donbass.

Main reason Russia doesn't want NATO and US on Russian boarder doorstep. Much like US wouldn't want Russian military bases in Canada and Mexico.

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