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Will the EU impose sanctions on Israel?And if they do will they also be obliged to remove sanctions against Russia?

European Union to IMPOSE HEAVY SANCTIONS On Israel Over Palestine

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"The European Union's recent threats to impose sanctions on Israel mark a significant shift in its approach to the ongoing conflict in Gaza and the broader Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Historically, the EU has been one of Israel’s largest trading partners, providing vital economic and diplomatic support. This relationship has often meant that the EU has been hesitant to take strong actions against Israel, particularly in matters related to its military operations in the occupied Palestinian territories. However, the EU’s patience seems to be wearing thin as Israel's actions, particularly the increasing settler violence and the military campaign in Gaza, continue to flagrantly disregard international law and human rights norms.

The EU's condemnation of Israeli actions comes at a time when the international community is increasingly questioning Israel’s long-standing policies in the occupied territories. The Union's support for Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression has highlighted the inconsistency in its stance toward Israel. While the EU was quick to impose severe sanctions on Russia for its invasion of Ukraine, it has largely remained silent or taken minimal action in response to Israel's actions against Palestinians.

This perceived double standard has led to widespread criticism, both within Europe and globally, of the EU's commitment to human rights and international law. Many analysts argue that if the EU had taken a firmer stance against Israel's violations earlier, such as those involving the illegal settlements in the West Bank, the tragic events of October 7 might have been averted."

IMO the EU, Britain, USA have all lost the high moral ground through their complicity in the Israeli Jews genocide of palestinians over the last 76 years. However in this case "better late than never is very apt".

FrayedBear 9 Aug 19

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Apparently you have started using stronger drugs.

Yet more alien babble.

@FrayedBear If it was babble why did you give it a thumbs up? Perhaps your new drugs confuse you even more?

@Alienbeing give what a 👍?


Can't think of anything good that a tiny country like Isreal has to offer Europe. Israel is about 779 times smaller than Russia. Russia is double the land mass of the continent of Europe. Almost 1/3 the people. Europe needs Russia more than Russia needs Europe. It's far better they work together than the destructive nature results of Isreal which is the ultimate in conflicting religions and wars in recent decades.

Oh, come on. It is through Israel that the whole world got Caesar Chrisp and some believe in him so strongly that they would follow Israel in anything.



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