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Following response on another thread on euthanasia I offer the following for discussion. Were many countries bullied or panicked into their behaviour regarding COVID-19? Or did they choose to encourage senicide to reduce pension burdens on the public purse?

COVID-19 was the ideal mechanism for senicide & eagerly grabbed by governments around the world. With the exception of a few countries they would seemingly rather be bullied into greasing the palm of US bullying corruption than look after their own citizens or use their own brains.

FrayedBear 9 Aug 20

Enjoy being online again!

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I once read that after the Black Death swept through Europe, the surviving population was in general healthier because the old and infirm were most likely the ones killed off. Disease is Nature's way of culling the herd that has grown too large and the human species has gotten dangerously over populated.

The "lemming mentality" will also do it as seen with COVID 19 & numerous wars


I remember the properganda films in school on weed in health class. Weed is supposed to fry your brain , turn women into whores and men into serial killers. White women would dance with black men. Yet they couldn't kill a lad with weed. Unless they dropped a 25 kilo bale of weed from. A 10 story building onto the rat.

Today the covid testing did kill all the lad rats. And legal prescription drugs and doctor error is the leading cause of death in the world.

I'm with the indigenous people , don't ever trust the Goverment. Because most of us are next to live on a native Indian reservation.

Regarding the campaign against hemp my indoctrination is that American upholder of moral decency J. Edgar Hoover in order to facilitate the uptake of artificial fibres like rayon & nylon manufactured by Courtaulds started the propaganda that resulted in the demise of the hemp materials business (& flood deaths in Bangladesh) & additionally was used against marijuana. Hence why you were indoctrinated at school . . . Besides which if you were a doped up pot head you were no use as a productive economic unit in society.
The following article is about Hoover :
And one of the most telling passages in it is:
"Dr John Money, professor of medical psychology at Johns Hopkins University, thought Hoover "needed constantly to destroy other people in order to maintain himself. He managed to live with his conflict by making others pay the price." Dr Harold Lief, professor emeritus of psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania, concluded that Hoover suffered from "a personality disorder, a narcissistic disorder with mixed obsessive features… paranoid elements, undue suspiciousness and some sadism. A combination of narcissism and paranoia produces what is known as an authoritarian personality. Hoover would have made a perfect high-level Nazi.""
I wonder if our own @Alienbeing was a Hoover boy?

@FrayedBear No need to wonder, I was not a Hoover fan.

@Alienbeing you just subliminally picked up some of his traits?

@FrayedBear Cite one triat your retarded mind thinks I share with Hoover.

@Alienbeing your support of Jewish genocide against the Palestinians

@FrayedBear First of all there is no genocide going on. Second, Hoover was long dead before Hamas became an issue.

You are getting worse.

@Alienbeing but if Hoover were still alive . . .

@FrayedBear By posting "but if Hoover were still alive . . ." you assert you can predict a dead person's thoughts on something that was not even an issue during the person's life. The fact that you undoubtably have basically no knowledge of the deceased also irrelevant.

No need to ask, obviously your meds have been increased.

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