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US directly involved in Kursk attack – Moscow Published: 20 Aug 2024 | 16:14 GMT Russia’s Foreign Ministry has summoned Washington’s charge d’affaires over an American PMC taking part in Kiev’s cross-border assault. So Genocide Joe is now complicit in Ukrainian genocide of Russians?

US directly involved in Kursk attack – Moscow []

FrayedBear 9 Aug 20

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Can't blame Biden as he is non compos. Blame those who allow the WH to be run by unelected who the fuck knows? The same fascists who cry about "democracy".
NATO forces entered Russia so when Russia hits where that kit originates from, no declaration of article 5 as NATO were the aggressor. NATO is always the aggressor.

puff Level 8 Aug 20, 2024

For as long as Genocide Joe is in the White House he is compos mentis. If he isn't then Harris should have taken over long ago. I believe this is what is required by the US constitution.

@FrayedBear The Patriot Act overrides it or it is ignored. The warmongers love genocide Joe there, he's too gone to care about reputation or shame. See him rant at the DNC and they reckon Trump acts like a dictator.
See questions of where Libya's wealth went are being asked at the UN. Be the usual culprits, the colonial mindset of rape and pillage lesser nations aka France, UK and USA.

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