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Here is the Hamas response to the Netanyahu proposed continuing genocide in Gaza in return for Hamas unconditional surrender & disarmament with the return of Israeli prisoners held since October 7th, 2023. No mention is made of the 10,000+ Palestinian prisoners held indefinitely in Jewish torture camps.


“After listening to the mediators regarding what transpired in the latest round of talks in Doha, it became clear to us once again that Netanyahu is still placing obstacles in the way of reaching an agreement, setting new conditions and demands aimed at thwarting the mediators' efforts and prolonging the war.

The new proposal accommodates Netanyahu's conditions and aligns with them, particularly his refusal of a permanent ceasefire, the complete withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, his insistence on continuing to occupy the Netzarim junction, the Rafah crossing, and the Philadelphia corridor.

He has also introduced new conditions regarding the prisoner exchange deal and has retreated from other points, preventing the conclusion of the exchange deal.

We hold Netanyahu fully responsible for the failure of the mediators' efforts, the obstruction of reaching an agreement, and full responsibility for the lives of his prisoners, who are exposed to the same danger as our people due to his continued aggression and systematic targeting of all aspects of life in the Gaza Strip.

We in the Hamas movement reaffirm our commitment (to a ceasefire) regarding what we agreed upon on July 2nd, based on Biden's announcement and the UN Security Council resolution, and we call on the mediators to fulfill their responsibilities and oblige the occupation to implement what has been agreed upon.”

Issues by Hamas
Sunday: 14th of Safar, 1446 AH
Corresponding to: August 18, 2024 AD

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FrayedBear 9 Aug 20

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It seems impossible situation.

Only for as long as USA funds & supplies the israeli means of committing the crimes of genocide, apartheid & discrimination against the Palestinians.

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