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Is this anything' other than what any of you want? If not please explain why you think Palestinians should be discriminated against.

Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) is a Palestinian-led movement for freedom, justice and equality. BDS upholds the simple principle that Palestinians are entitled to the same rights as the rest of humanity.


Please explore the rest of this web site.

FrayedBear 9 Aug 21

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To get to this lowest level of discrimination. Can imagine, the Zionist self proclaimed themselves ultimately superior. Then convince the Christian American they are the chosen ones from.God too. The rest is just delusional self prophecy BS.

The campaign to get AXA divest its Israeli investment portfolia I think has after 8 years been totally successful -


They give special cheap or free tours of Isreal to American jews. Selling them also on the cheap realestate market for housing.

They are still going to need the Palestinian because they do the 90% of the building 6of the housing.

@Castlepaloma I've seen some of the adverts. . . Which reminds me can I interest anyone in a piece of rock from the tablets that had the 10 commandments chiselled onto?


That's a good one,... for a con artist.

@Castlepaloma I thought I was being sarcastic about Jewish adverts for sale of stolen land in Israel.

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