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More humiliation for the US diplomatic service & Biden administration?

BRICS Just Invited Palestine To Attend The 2024 BRICS Summit!

Palestine should be expecting to receive the invitation this month to attend the BRICS 2024. Russia is working towards the process to get the Middle Eastern nation to be a part of the summit. “We have certainly also discussed bilateral relations because we enjoy a very long-standing strategic relationship with Russia,” said Palestine’s leader Mahmoud Abbas.

Abbas explained that BRICS members have friendly relations with Palestine and will devote special time to the country at the 2024 summit. “It will all be as relevant as possible, considering the fact that the countries of this association are all friendly to Palestine,” Abbas said.

Palestine may be made a member of BRICS in 2025

FrayedBear 9 Aug 21

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Nothing either Russia or Palestinians do would ever humiliate the U.S. or anyone else. Basically both are irrelevant.

If Russia and Palestinians are so irrelevant . Why don't they leave them alone?, That's what I do, if I find a person or group irrelevant in my world, just ignore them.

Why spend 100s of billions of dollars on them?

Literally your contribution is irrelevant.

@FrayedBear Nah, any comment critical of you is relevant and correct.

@Castlepaloma We do leave them alone except when we are forced to respond.

@Alienbeing USA through its interfering in Ukraine + Israel to create its proxy wars are directly responsible.
But of course if you continue your inane "we are forced to respond" argument I can apply the same back on you that Russia was forced to respond to Ukraine & the Palestinians to the Israeli, USA funded & sanctioned genocide. Neither Russia nor the Palestinians are terrorists. USA & israel are both genocidal terrorists & I'm not sure which is the worst.


The scariest words any country can possible get from the US is. We are coming to help you.

@FrayedBear As respects our Foreign Policy, your approval is not required, nor even solicited.

@Castlepaloma Try something original.


Being a lawyer is not original. How many people can say they made a living mostly from sand and snow sculptures for 50 years and in over 100 countries.

Much rather being unique, than conflicting with the competition and we get the women.

@Castlepaloma I never said or even implied being a lawyer was original, and if you enjoy sculpting and can make a living doing so, got for it. Who cares?


That would be wonderful if BRICS will accept Palestinian as a member, then it would be saved.

It seems than Palestinian are so broken up into territories and refugees.. Yet seeing Palestine at the Olympics was a good start, funny thing is Russia wasn't, its certified as a strong Statehood anyway.

Great first step.
As of June 2024, the State of Palestine is recognized as a sovereign state by 145 of the 193 member states of the United Nations, or just over 75% of all UN members.

Things are looking up. It's a healthy optimistism.

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