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No wonder the IDF is murdering the Hamas hostages before they can tell the world of their treatment.

Here is Liat Atseli talking of the holiday that she had as a hostage of Hamas freedom fighters.

FrayedBear 9 Aug 22

Enjoy being online again!

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Hamas holding 66 hostages were reportedly killed on October 7 or in Hamas captivity according to Israel. As of 20 August 2024, 109 hostages remained in captivity in the Gaza Strip, 105 of whom had been abducted on 7 October 2023, and the other four hostages captured earlier. These isreali hostages are treated far better. Rather than the Isreal soldiers are treating the Palestinians civilians or their prisoners, almost same thing..

Plus the 10,000 Palestinens, Israel claim are their prisoners. Where they are really Palestinians hostages.

Netanyahu wants the land, he doesn't give a shit about his fellow Isrealis hostages, at all. They are just an reminder and embarrassment to him.

Probably more killed by the misnamed IDF than mistreatment.

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