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Israeli Envoy Gilad Erdan calls for the bombing of the UN Centre in America

I suggest that the sooner the criminal genocidal whinging Israeli Jews are lobotomised the sooner that the world will be a more peaceful & better place for everyone.

FrayedBear 9 Aug 22

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I agree but reverse their decisions first, especially the formation of a Jewish state.

puff Level 8 Aug 22, 2024

When jews have been kicked out of every place they go, for thousands of years. Why doesn't the US adopt a state for the Zionist?
From one of their own states. They spend more money on Isreal, than any state in the union.

@Castlepaloma Jewish people are roaming preachers, stateless. Zionists have extreme views so by that logic, why doesn't the US adopt a state for deash aka Islamic fundamentalists? They also spend more money in this area.


The truth has to run it's marathon on this issue.

How wonderful a punishment - give israel to the palestinians & then the further payment of lobotomising them, men women & children.

The lobotomised to be spread to worldwide Jewry for palliative care together with the additional expense of recompense for all Palestinians murdered & traumatised together with infrastructure reinstatement.

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