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Just stumbled on the following assertions made about the criminal ex US president Obama. Will some of our american members please enlighten me?

WAYNE ROOT: Tucker is Outing Obama as Gay. But Everyone is Missing the Big Story. I’m Obama’s College Classmate. I’ve Been Trying to Warn America for 15 Years!
by Assistant Editor Sep. 1, 2023 7:45 am3028 Comments

It is claimed that Obama is a Russian trained agent provocateur aiming to destroy USA & bring about its demise. . . All sounds as realistic as the bible!


FrayedBear 9 Aug 23

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The story makes assertions with no credible back up. I don't really care, however I doubt he is gay. I also doubt he had any Russian or other Socialist Country training.

I would have hoped however that an honest upright citizen & former practicing lawyer that you would wish to see him brought to book around the world for his criminal activities?

@FrayedBear What "criminal activities" do you refer to?

@Alienbeing Libya.

@FrayedBear Libya is a country, I asked for a war crime to be identified.

@Alienbeing quit being disingenuous alien. Obama authorised the action that ultimately led to the murder of Gaddafi, an action that resulted in USA stealing billions $ from the country & resulted in 1 million plus Africans invading Europe thus disadvantaging a US competitor whilst resulting in hundreds if not thousands of disadvantaged people drowning in the Mediterranean sea.

@FrayedBear Gaddafi's own people murdered him (justifiably), so once again you are nothing but a stooge.

@Alienbeing & John Lennon was murdered by Mark David Chapman, a Beatles fan. If Obama & US forces had not made the disarray in Libya it is unlikely that Gaddafi would have been murdered. But I do not expect any better from an anti-Semitic Palestinian holocaust denier.

@FrayedBear Gaddafi was killed by his own people because he was a violent dictator. Apparently your rt news failed to cover that.

I am starting to believe you are not only ignorant, but stupid.

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