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LINK petition to restore E Pluribus Unum in place of In "God We Trust" Please sign!n!

Below is the text of the petition. Please follow the link to add your name!
"E pluribus unum was the original motto for the United States of America. It was used beginning in 1776. It translates to “Out of many, one”. It was changed in 1956 to “In God We Trust”. The Motto is displayed on money and government symbols and flags. It was changed after the cold War to appease the increasing infuence of the religious right.

E Pluribus Unum symbolized the many states and colonies coming together as one nation. It came to describe the diversity of citizens and cultures in the nation.

“In God We Trust” is not an appropriate motto for a diverse country with a lawful separation of church and state.

In 2023 separate Pew Reserch and Gallup polls both showed approximately ⅓ of Americans are not Christian. A more recent Pew Research study showed “Nones” as the most common religious identity.

Religious conservatives are working to take freedoms away from American citizens. Reproductive rights, lgbtqia rights, and no fault divorce are already under attack. Conservatives need to be reminded we are not under religious law in the United States of America.

This is a call to our congressional leaders and the president to resore E Pluribus Unum as our country's official motto."

MsAl 8 Aug 24

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You seem to have double posted. This is understandable as when posting we often get a "timed out" message, and so the first impulse to to do the post over again. However, despite the "timed out" message, the post almost always goes through.

When I get a "timed out" message, I used the back arrow on my browser, and then click to go to the homepage, and so far every post shows up. So, I don't need to recreate the post over again.

I hope the above into helps save you time in not having to recreate posts... and the other site users will also be happier not to see multiple repeat posts as well.


Thank you for sharing this

Unity Level 8 Aug 24, 2024
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