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So the Zionist jews were plotting the genocide of Palestinians in the early to mid 1940's. I wonder how many conned by these psycopaths will admit that they have been made fools out of?

Vrba’s memoir, cited by Greenstein, in which he wrote:

“I am a Jew. In spite of that, indeed because of that, I accuse certain Jewish leaders of one of the most ghastly deeds of the war. This small group of quislings knew what was happening to their brethren in Hitler’s gas chambers and bought their own lives with the price of silence …

Hiding an Ugly Truth About Israel
August 28, 2024
Jonathan Cook on Tony Greenstein’s exposure of a glaring omission in a new biography of Rudolf Vrba, the first Jew to escape Auschwitz and an intense critic of the Zionist movement.


FrayedBear 9 Aug 29

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There only one group American can not criticized, now even by law. That is the Zionist, and being half the entire jewish population of the world in the US. With that kind of power, we know who is running the US and most of the wars.

Ukraine has an embassy in Tel Aviv and a consulate-general in Haifa. There are 30,000 Ukrainians settled in Israel, while Ukraine has one of Europe's largest Jewish communities. Ukraine was also the first state outside of Israel to have had both a Jewish president and prime minister simultaneously. Who is the President of Mexico, Ukraine and Isreal, zionist again.


Theist states suck always because, I shouldn't have to explain on an agnostic site. But another reason is there is always a danger that the extreme of whatever religion will gain power. Israel has had good leadership but the Zionist/ settlers just kill them.
I mean the irony. We had the Nazi Holocaust which was horrible and vowed 'Never again!'. The 'Western world' had a huge guilt complex from the way they treated Jewish people, especially Europe, before the Holocaust so have allowed Israeli excesses. Now Israel conducts it's own Holocaust.
Bloody Poms again. Balfour Agreement. Redrawing borders. Colonial mindset.
NB Bit scary in the States, See they have a new law where criticizing Zionism is being antisemite. People are people and then you get extreme religious maniacs. Zionism is just the extreme of Judaism and you can't smear all Jews like that. Like saying all Christians are in the KKK. Are we going to fuck around with language so much we don't have a word for extreme Judaism?

puff Level 8 Aug 29, 2024

The Oxford English dictionary gives the following overview of anti-Semitism which highlights the problem that has been caused by accepting zionist propaganda:
Oxford overview:


Quick Reference
Hostility towards and discrimination against Jewish people (although there are other Semitic peoples, notably the Arabs, anti‐Semitism is only used to refer to prejudice against Jewish people). In the late 19th and early 20th centuries it was strongly evident in France, Germany, Poland, Russia, and elsewhere, many Jewish emigrants fleeing from persecution or pogroms in south‐east Europe to Britain and the USA. After World War I early Nazi propaganda in Germany encouraged anti‐Semitism, alleging Jewish responsibility for the nation's defeat. By 1933 Jewish persecution was active throughout the country. The ‘final solution’ which Hitler worked for was to be a Holocaust or extermination of the entire Jewish race; some six million Jews were killed in concentration camps before the defeat of Nazism in 1945. Anti‐Semitism was a strong feature of society within the former Soviet Union, especially after World War II, and remains a problem in eastern Europe and in the former Soviet republics. In western Europe, especially in France and Germany, there has been an increase in racist violence by neo‐Nazi groups since the 1990s."

That they were fleeing so called persecution ( or was it just retribution for crimes against humanity? ) before the existance of the Third Reich indicates what an odious group they must have been. Semite is defined as:
noun: Semite; plural noun: Semites
a member of any of the peoples who speak or spoke a Semitic language, including in particular the Jews and Arabs.
Origin from modern Latin Semita, via late Latin from Greek Sēm ‘Shem’, son of Noah in the Bible, from whom these peoples were traditionally supposed to be descended.

The people who gave rise to the Jews & Arabs living in the area of israel were the Canaanites. Semitic people.

Therefore when I refer to the genocide by Israeli Jews against Palestinians I'm perfectly reasonable in calling such behaviour to be anti-Semitic.

I note that you are still trying to differentiate between Israeli Jewish Zionists & non Israeli Jews. IMO until each living Jew has been unequivocally proven not to have physically participated in the Israeli genocide against Palestinians or been complicit in that genocide by funding it or voting for government representatives who have voted for country funding of the genocide they are as guilty as those physically undertaking the atrocities.
You mention the KKK. The same applies there that anyone who did not denounce their activities was as guilty of their crimes as the physical participants.

@FrayedBear Yeah nah, bit thought police like. All should condemn genocide of course. It doesn't matter, Israel as a state is over I think.
Jews are a bit weird as they consider themselves a race as well but funnily enough genetic testing kinda fucks up that argument.

The world is in flux and it is all connected to the colonisation of the world by Western Europe. That is the culture that has been top dog probably since they invented sailing ships and acquired gunpowder. Us now multicultural whiteys. We have been running the show for what, 5-600 years? It is now coming to an end. The proxy between Russia and NATO is basically multipolar world Vs homogenous West. The West defending Israel is the West defending the legacy of colonisation. It's the European Jews that birthed Zionism, who inhabit Israel. The colony gifted by the British and the UN which when first formed was........... Western Europe mainly, only 20 odd members from memory.
It's a sick joke that Palestinians have a far greater claim to being semitic than the vast majority of Israeli's. After this attempted genocide, Israel as a state is finished. Zionist Jews were given their Holy land but couldn't play nice and share so fuck 'em, as the UN have giveth, so the UN shall taketh away. People of Jewish faith won't give too much of a fuck I think. The Holy place is still the Holy place, if not ruble. If they are harassed wherever they live, ridding the world of Zionism should remove peoples anger towards them.

@puff fascism like cancer has a nasty habit of coming out of remission. How do you think the spread of zionism to other countries resulting from the diaspora of Israeli Zionists Jews will be prevented in the host countries?

@FrayedBear That is the million dollar question isn't it? 1) Fascism hides behind religion and 2) fascism is the end game of capitalism. I don't think enabling genocide are Zionists so much, they support the colonial West legacy I think because BRICS is rising rapidly. Ironic that the support for Israel is like kicking home goals eg just encourages more nations to support BRICS.

@puff excellent point. Sadly Australia is one of the cuntries "kicking own goals"! All led by the right wing political parties.

@FrayedBear Mmmmmmmmmm Yep

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