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Browse and use selectively to not be complicit in Israeli Jews genocide of Palestinians.

A useful tool on which companies to avoid:


FrayedBear 9 Aug 30

Enjoy being online again!

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Sorry, link does not work.

That's interesting. It worked in DuckDuckGo on VPN 30 seconds ago. Here is the link with a gap between the https:// & address


works for me on Opera


It seem many communication outlets n Australia are cut off from the rest of the world.

@LenHazell53 thx Len

@LenHazell53, @Castlepaloma @Fernapple is in the UK & so is Len. Perhaps DuckDuckGo &Opera are not controlled by censorious Jews or those complicit in their crimes. . . Do not enjoy the 2 UN reports into Israel in the occupied Palestinian territories that I posted this morning. According to raspy voiced RF Kennedy the problem is Jewish controlled Blackrock.


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