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LINK Pope Francis pushes false claim that both presidential candidates are "against life" -- Friendly Atheist

Kamala Harris wants to protect women's bodies. The pope thinks that's evil.

Sep 14, 2024

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snytiger6 9 Sep 14

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Pope thinks in super natural terms . In acting supremisabove all animal species. If the age of the earth was reduce to a calendar year. Human would have survived only for 5 minutes.within the year. DINOSAURS for 3 months. Abortion in the animals kingdom is a natural resource of survival. Options in addition to abortion to highlight that abortion is but one strategy for females to avoid enduring undue burden to birth and raise offspring when the conditions are unfavorable.

Conclusion, the Pope is acting unnatural and working against life. Humans could very well join the extinction list of the 95% of the species that ever lived on the earth.


Since when did the Pope care about facts?


Why does the pope care? Would he protect men's bodies or maybe the little boys.

By thevway, trump supports social security, that's why he is also a commie, and kamala will lead to hyperinflation, so your social security won't buy shit anyway, due to 10,000 dollar cup of coffee, going up to 1,000,000,000,000


Kamala favors abortion even in the 7-9 months and that is to extreme unless there’s something wrong with the baby. Trump has repeatedly said the 6 week abortion ban is to extreme and would likely support abortion out to 15
Weeks. That seems reasonable to me.

Really? That would mean she favors murder. Hard to get elected if you favor murder.

@DenoPenno Seems it would be but we have a lot of voters who don’t give a shit.

We have already had this conversation. You know that is a lie and you know that Trump knows it is a lie. Be as partisan as you wish but please don't deal in known falsehoods. It only hurts any credibility you have.

@273kelvin According to this link 6 Democrat controlled states and Washington DC also democrat controlled have no restrictions on how late an abortion can be performed so Kamala is definitely lying.


@Trajan61 Read further...
"About 93% of reported abortions in 2019 were performed at or before 13 weeks of pregnancy, 6% were conducted between 14 and 20 weeks and 1% were performed at or after 21 weeks, according to the most recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."
So. we are talking about 1%. after 21 weeks. Of those I would bet that they were due to serious medical problems. The critical word here is "viable". If the mother is in serious danger, then doctors may want to terminate the pregnancy. In those cases, the fetus is liable to be either dead or near dead. Do you know why I would bet? Because these are medical professionals making an on-the-spot decision, NOT bible-thumping dumb politicians. Remember these guys voted for the death penalty for doctors who did not make viable an entopic pregnancy. (a medically impossible procedure)
Counter that with all the women who will not get life-saving treatment and those who will seek back-street abortions. One thing is for sure. There will be no problem for Republican mistresses or varsity trust-fund gals. They will fly to Canada if necessary.


Why would anyone expect anything else from the Catholic Church?

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