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Saudi Arabia snubs USA & Israel by refusing to normalise relations with Israel until a fully independent state of palestine having its capital in E. Jerusalem is fully functioning.

Watch this 15 minute video which also contains an interesting statement regarding the rights of women in Saudi Arabia that will hopefully have significant influence on the Taliban in Afghanistan.

At the end of this video in interview you will learn of how Saudi Arabia has changed its stance regarding the rights of women. Whether that only applies to women in the royal family or all Saudi women is not clear however it is a step in the right direction.

FrayedBear 9 Sep 19

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This video is from The Open-minded Thinker.

Famous Youtuber The Open-minded Thinker accepts Islam Through Dr Zakir Naik in Qatar.

What is the point of this video?

@Castlepaloma It's sad that I have to explain it. The Open-minded Thinker has accepted Isam, you have to take his bias and prejudice into account with whatever he says.


Lest we forget I am sure the more "Libeterain" stance taken by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman will be of great comfort to the family friends and colleagues of Jamal Khashoggi, the journalist "His Highness" had LITERALLY butchered in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, and disposed of in bin bags so his family could not give him a decent funeral.

I suspect that the 400000 or so dead resulting from the 2015 Yemeni conflict & their surviving families, a number equivalent to Gaza also would have something to say.


And []


Saudi Arabia has double the wealth of Isreal and any country in the middle east. This is a huge blow for Isreal and the US. Saudi Arabia and Russia can set the oil price high, if they want.

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