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USA has new plan to censor world news that is contrary to its propaganda. How do you feel about that you sheeple?

Washington’s new plan to control the Global South []

FrayedBear 9 Sep 20

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Richard Medhurst speaks in Geneva about the UK government's hypocritical intimidation of him having him detained under their terrorism act.

Yup. And many other journalists like him were put through the same kind of intimidation in the UK.

First notice the reverse terrorist act in Canada at the freedom trucker festival

@Ryo1, @Castlepaloma look at Assange's disgraceful treatment.


Narrative control. Nothing new, I'm afraid.

Ryo1 Level 8 Sep 21, 2024

Your research is impressive, rt is such an excellent source for such intelligence.

Much the same information is published by BigNewsNetwork which operates out of UAE & Sydney Australia. []

That your western media embedded with the US , UK & other NATO countries doesnt substantiate the sanctions on RT is not particularly remarkable.

See also

And RT is usually a lot more accurate than the White House press office.

@FrayedBear We don't have a White House Press Office; it was replaced by the DNC Propaganda Ministry when Biden took over.


RT (formerly Russia Today or Rossiya Segodnya; Russian: Россия Сегодня) is a Russian state-controlled international news television network funded by the Russian government. It operates pay television and free-to-air channels directed to audiences outside of Russia, as well as providing Internet content in Russian, English, Spanish, French, German, Arabic, Portuguese and Serbian.

Questionable sources.

A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact-checked on a per-article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source.
See all Questionable sources. []

Overall, we rate RT Questionable based on promoting pro-Russian propaganda, conspiracy theories, numerous failed fact checks, and a lack of author transparency.

I find RT always names it's sources and often has links to the original source.
Got your finger on the pulse there mate, no fooling you. But just in case, your government has decreed that viewing RT is not good for you so bad luck, your input not required. You can't be trusted you see, government says so.
Of course you may still go directly to their web site, use a VPN etc but then your domestic spooks may come knocking on your door, all for your safety of course.
Just be a good boy and comply, you may put your full trust in government to keep you informed as they never lie.
You understand when I say government I mean the uniparty, Democrats, here? They are the fascist ones who have conned many Trump is a threat to their fascist society, which he probably is.

@puff Fuck the Russian Shit-Eaters.

We don't need excuses or a running commentary from Russian Stooges.

@nogod4me And fuck the globalists who support Zionist Israel.

@puff You are such a True Believer.

We don't need Russian propaganda in any sense.

Fuck the Russian Shit-Eaters.

We don't need excuses or a running commentary from Russian Stooges.

@nogod4me Keep getting your commentary from genocide apologists then.

@puff So, you trust and believe Russian propaganda. So did those who voted for Trump the first time.

You are such a True Believer.

We don't need Russian propaganda in any sense.

Fuck the Russian Shit-Eaters.

We don't need excuses or a running commentary from Russian Stooges.

@nogod4me Do you believe in natural justice? Have you ever been denied it?
All it means is you hear both sides of the story before passing judgement. RT is a news service, a state funded one. All countries have them. It is a news service, often news not reported by other media which, if you want to talk bias and propaganda, do tend to have an anti-Russian stance. Can we admit that?
So to determine geopolitical issues, I like natural justice. I want to hear from all sides before passing judgement. Sort through as much as I can and determine what is most factually correct when looking at and comparing the many differing rose coloured views of a single event.
Neglecting to view propaganda from those you differ with does not make any understanding any clearer. You start to believe your own BS.

@puff You are a True Believer. I don't read your shit anymore. If you believe that a "state-controlled international news television network funded by the Russian government" is not pushing propaganda, then you are either a child, a blithering idiot, or like pushing Russian propaganda yourself, possibly trying to influence the election.

You are such a True Believer.

We don't need Russian propaganda in any sense.

Fuck the Russian Shit-Eaters.

And we certainly don't need excuses or a running commentary from Russian Stooges.

@nogod4me Not my fault Biden fucked up in Ukraine. Predicted long ago Trump will romp it home because Biden is such a f'k up. Harris as president? Just means Hillary Clinton will slip in and run things the neocon way.

@puff You are such a True Believer.

We don't need Russian propaganda in any sense, way, shape, or form.

Fuck the Russian Shit-Eaters.

And we certainly don't need excuses or a running commentary from Russian Stooges and the idiots that believe them.

@nogod4me Hey! I'm just helping you get your social credit score up. Stay in the good books. Just in case, bit like Pascal's Law.
The world see's America arm Israel. It see's the UK and US pushing for war everywhere. The world see's Australia cheering on the bullies. Don't need Russian propaganda to see that. That's just reality.
Our societies are on the way down, the powers that run them. Good. The world needs change. Because this US rules based world order sucks. It's become corrupt, decadent, bloated and full of violence.

@puff, @nogod4me how wonderful is that stage name of nogod4me! Sad that it is obviously not true. Either that or your an ignorant person who has never heard of Mammon who the majority of Americans put before any god:

[] - Mammon (Aramaic: מָמוֹנָא, māmōnā) in the New Testament is commonly thought to mean money, material wealth, or any entity that promises wealth, and is associated with the greedy pursuit of gain. The Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Luke both quote Jesus using the word in a phrase often rendered in English as "You cannot serve both God and mammon."

In the Middle Ages, it was often personified and sometimes included in the seven princes of Hell. Mammon in Hebrew (ממון) means 'money'. The word was adopted to modern Hebrew to mean wealth.

But by all means continue to be a sheeple. You probably do not believe the indictment by WONCA that I posted this morning together with the copious amounts of evidence.



"What an indictment."

@puff. Oh, I''m convinced that you believe that you have the pure, unadulterated truth. That you have all the facts and that a "state-controlled international news television network funded by the Russian government" would never be able to deceive you. You're too smart for that. Of course, that is what propaganda is designed to do, and that is what people who believe propaganda do.

"Overall, we rate RT Questionable based on promoting pro-Russian propaganda, conspiracy theories, numerous failed fact checks, and a lack of author transparency."

I've wasted too much time on you. You are a True Believer and therefore a waste of time.

We don't need Russian propaganda in any sense, way, shape, or form.

Fuck the Russian Shit-Eaters.

And we certainly don't need excuses or a running commentary from Russian Stooges and the idiots that believe them.

@FrayedBear I already wrote about The Money God years ago:


@nogod4me in which case I do not understand why you are vehemently trying to dissuade others of the invalidity of my posts which are frequently critical of USA policy disrupting non American lives in order to further USA's ability to steal & plunder others wealth.
I'll just remind you of your concluding paragraphs in your previously mentioned post:

A democracy for and by the people:
The people, all deemed equal in the system, "force" those in power to be regulated and subject to the people. The people who helped build the country and the economy get a fair share of the wealth they helped to create. The people decide what is right and wrong for their society, using the wealth they produced for education, health, to feed, clothe, protect, provide, and bring security to their future. Freedom and self-esteem are inevitable, the people have a voice. - all deemed equal? Hence why you have the hiest prison population in the world, poor quality general education, an almost lack of universal healthcare, huge numbers of homeless.

"People murder daily, and parents allow their children to suffer and die unnecessarily, all because of their beliefs. Imagine the power if you could control what people believe. Cons, politicians, religions, governments, and corporations all desire to control your belief, because people will sacrifice everything to have its manifestation, even if it is imposed upon them and against their personal and common good." Your government has not only been proven to be lieing to you but now legislated to prevent the truth being published. Your knowledge of the quality of RT news is not based upon reality but on a desperate propaganda designed to make you believe that it is subversive. Yours is the country that has invaded more foreign countries disrupting civilian life than any other country on the planet.

@FrayedBear I don't agree with your Russian influenced bias.


Shit eaters? first time I've heard of that, not in good taste

@nogod4me, ping @Castlepaloma, @puff
And RT is usually a lot more accurate than the White House press office.

@Castlepaloma A "Shit-Eater": someone who interferes in other people's shit to cause problems.

@Castlepaloma, @FrayedBear Give me a break, your ignorance is disgusting.


Too bad your source is rt, a government funded "news" source.

Tejas Level 8 Sep 20, 2024

Seen the BBC lately?

Ping @puff

But by all means continue to be a sheeple. You probably do not believe the indictment by WONCA that I posted this morning together with the copious amounts of evidence but do yourself, if you can't concentrate long enough to fully read all the documents please be brave @Tejas, read them in manageable chunks & enlighten yourself.



"What an indictment."


The new word for fact check has turn into censorship.


See also Why the world’s largest democracy isn’t buying ‘freedom of speech’ US-style []

Since my country is not a Democracy we really doen't care.

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