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Money talks? Will Zionists get the new Israel they are demanding in Capetown, SA? Will this reult in wholesale genocide of all African blacks that will make the Belgian & German genocides look like Sunday school picnics?

Discussion on demand by Cape zionist for breakaway state from S.Africa to be formalised.

The genocides & atrocities committed by the Belgians in the Congo: []

The Herero & Nama genocides committed by the Germans in what is now Namibia:

The French enabled the Ruanda's genocide of Tutsis by Hutu extremists

British atrocities including Africa but primarily Indian - it is worth noting Churchill's comment & attempt at blame shifting on the worst of the Indian tragedies he said regarding the Bengal famine in 1943, Churchill said: “I hate Indians. They are a beastly people with a beastly religion. The famine was their own fault for breeding like rabbits.”

FrayedBear 9 Sep 22

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Don't give a Zionist an inch, or they will take a mile.
Many countries in Africa now, are on to the white Imperialist

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