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Posting this as I found it now, I learned her name recently when I called a store in Arizona and asked about her. She is the girl in most of the Consumer Cellular commercials. She is Paki Williams. Click to watch her interview video.


DenoPenno 9 Sep 23

Enjoy being online again!

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You got the love bug my man!?! 🥰

I simply have a desire to know things and I have an ex wife who is black. Fascination with this girl is all over You Tube as nobody knew who she was. AI doesn't even know who she is and AI lies to you very often. My phone is Consumer Cellular and that is why I got into this in the first place. One day I called Scottsdale with a phone problem and mentioned her, got her name and she works in that very store.

I'm like a cop really but this is not going into me actually contacting her. I'm done, but I do know all about her and she tells a lot in that interview video if you click on it. I've had friends that drop me out of fear of me knowing all about them. That's strange to me but if you have to know you just have to know. I've had people at my house and I'm into the live cams on Bourbon Street when they tell me that is not real. Really? There are cams everywhere today. You see some in the news and on morning traffic reports. LOL

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