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I was delighted just now to watch this video of an odious interviewer have each of his utterances soundly refuted or questioned by an erudite eloquent interviewee. Give your day a wonderful enlightening lift and watch this ten minute edited & condensed interview.

Piers Morgan interviews an Iranian professor to be confounded at his every infantile question, remark & attempted entrapment that he throws at him. . . It is like seeing a mouse being tormented by a cat repeatedly tossed the mouse in the air for a game of kitty handball. Piers Morgan being the mouse, the professor the cat enjoying itself! If Morgan wasn't so odiously disreputable in his misrepresentation of reality you could say that it is cruelty but it is just the denouncement of the lies fed the world by Israeli Jews supported by the American's hegomonistic selfish policy over the last 80 years or more.

FrayedBear 9 Sep 24

Enjoy being online again!

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He put Morgan into his place.

Delightfully, with superb humour & great intelligence.

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