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Iran’s New President Condemns Israel and Criticizes U.S. in U.N. Speech. Unlike the rantings of Trump & Harris, President Pezeshkian presents a clear indictment of USA & others inhumanity. I will be delighted if his sound proposals come to fruition. Will you & why?

Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian said in a speech to the United Nations that Iran is not seeking war with any nation and was ready to negotiate on nuclear and other issues with world powers.


FrayedBear 9 Sep 26

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Opposition of Israel has been going on since 1948 and U.S. support of money and weapons is also continuous since 1948. Both will continue in our lifetime, nobody will remember the criticism and Israel will continue to do all things it is doing.

Some hope that will occur. There has however been a radical shift in opinion including many in USA. People initiated sanctions are now occurring on a regular basis around the world.


Radical shift? Maybe, but it is not even close to enough to move the needle. We will need a Muslim president and elimination of Jewish lobbies' grip over politicians in DC to see any change. It is not going to happen in our lifetime and even for the next 50 years. So ranting and venting anger against Israel, although correct is a waste of time IMO.

In life, I have decided to focus on things that have a chance to change and from which I can benefit. Social service for hopeless causes is not what I do any more. Let's do what matters to our lives. I don't know what Israel or Somalia does impacts my life.

@St-Sinner if that allows you to sleep at night . . .


There are millions of things that should not allow any of us sleep at night but look around all are doing fine in spite of the needless dying of little children in Africa of simple hunger and avoidable diseases like malaria while we are spending money on rich man's diseases like diabetes and spending tons of money on climate change instead of feeding babies 'today', UN aid workers are raping women as favors for food aid, American supported dictators are committing atrocities on their people, Catholic priests are raping little children at the altars and the law enforcements are either soft or turning a blind eye.

What makes Israel conflict so unique? Because we are have Judai-Christian origin from Jerusalem? Why would you not sleep because of this issue while thousands of other issues are worse?

I understand your concern but I have seen many not so relevant and impactful issues being talked up as the top issues. Israel, climate change are not top issues at all. Humanity around the world is, reducing hunger is and fighting religion is. Diabetes, cancers and climate change are rich man's issues, not world's top issues today. Let rich countries solve these issues.

We have to get away from fucked up priorities. An example in politics we have people saying.... Bernie Sanders can be a great president while he cannot win primaries or Biden could beat Trump in 2024. We have members here who were obsessed with both while the reality was telling something else. It's time to snap out of fucked up choices and priorities.

@St-Sinner "What makes Israel conflict so unique? Because we are have Judai-Christian origin from Jerusalem? " -Judao-Christian origin - you have to be joking. It has never had any significance for me. I will however agree with you that it is largely another distraction to stop people seeing that their wellbeing is being usurped. What irks more in this case however is the fact that the Jews & America have complicitly promulgated the 100 year dishonesty that the Jews are upright humane people.
Try seeing it in terms of Cipollan intelligence.
As for starving children around the world, in my youth it was just as much India, Bangladesh & Pakistani children as African, the responsibilty is sheeted home firstly to the nationals of the countries involved - the old "if you can't do the time don't commit the crime" is very apt.

I thank you for your well meant advice.

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