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Well worth the 73 minute watch whether you're Republican, Democrat, Green or undecided, rich, poor, world citizen or slave of the American hegemony.

Matt Kennard an English journalist in promoting his new book exposes the lies that are the American & British "democracies".

FrayedBear 9 Sep 28

Enjoy being online again!

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Vote them all , they are all the same. Or, don't vote and take no stake or stock in the outcome. A no vote lowers the authority negative powers.

Here voting is compulsory. I have read that the Electoral Commission however is becoming increasingly worried that the level of non voters has risen of late. However this is not born out by the nimbers which have remained fairly consistant at about 8%


As long as most people don't vote, I know I'm in the better place. . Can not support the 2 worst scammers in the world today , Goverment and Bankers.

@Castlepaloma so long as taxes raised are properly used for the benefit of the citizens there is no scam.

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