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LINK Christian hate-preacher Steven Anderson's kids are now speaking out against him -- Friendly Atheist

Three kids have now gone public about the abuse they suffered in the New IFB preacher's home

Sep 30, 2024

Anderson have gone public about the physical abuse they suffered growing up. Given that Anderson routinely tells Christians to marry young and have as many kids as possible, the revelation that abuse may be rampant in his own home isn’t as much shocking as it is long overdue.

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snytiger6 9 Oct 1

Enjoy being online again!

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I suspect this is an ongoing problem with children of the clergy especially if the child is not normal (part of the LGBTQ clan). We all know of the pedophilia problem with the clergy (not just Catholic) and how many 'religious' nuts view their children as their property. There are other, very wealthy men who are just as bad and Musk is becoming infamous for his treatment of his (10) children. One has also spoken out.[]


Well, that was a long interview. Interesting.

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