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No wonder the Israelis & Americans are not releasing any daylight photograghs of the Iranian missile damage if this report stating the numbers of many F15 & F35 jets destroyed is even fractionally true. To use that horrible Americanism of "bang for your buck" the Iranians have hit the jackpot.

No wonder Netanyahu's hands were shaking when he announced that there will be revenge.

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I don't think the Iranians have actually given the israelis sufficient indication to shake them out of the psychopathic psychosis that they have developed. Equall I doubt that America has woken up to reality.

FrayedBear 9 Oct 3

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Dream on

The dreams of Israelis to do what ever they want without responsibility. ,Are about to become Karma nightmares.

@Castlepaloma For Hamas and Hezbollah.

I will , because I dream for a living with deadlines, not of the killing kind. . Not like some others dreams based on others nightmare and demolition idestruction.


Not anymore.

@Castlepaloma I see you have taken my advice and you are dreaming on.


Definitely the majority of missiles hit the ground from several films I looked at. Probably why Israelis want to blow up electronic devices, they reveal too much truth.

Blowing up billions of dollars of weapons would hurt the Zionist most, in their pocket book. They certainly haven't cared much for their hostages for a year. .They are just pawns.

Iran has not only given them a lesson in moral behahiour but have told them & their sponsor the USA what will happen if they retaliate.. I saw today that about $2 billions worth of F35 jets have been destroyed together with appreciable numbers of military personel on the airfields.

Where did the bombers that undertook todays bombings of Beirut come from? US aircraft carrier? RAF base on Cyprus?


Isreal generals are upset , they didn't target and kill mass amounts of innocent Isrealis citizens, like how they do things. .
Hezbollah will meet their soldiers man to man on the ground.

@Castlepaloma Israeli Jews shown up for the craven immoral psycopathic cowards that they are.

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