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WATCH: Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit exposes Israeli war crimes in Gaza

A feature length investigation by Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit exposes Israeli war crimes in the Gaza Strip through the medium of photos and videos posted online by Israeli soldiers during the yearlong conflict. The material reveals a range of illegal activities from wanton destruction and looting to the demolition of entire neighbourhoods and murder. The film also tells the story of the war through the eyes of Palestinian journalists, human rights workers and everyday Gaza residents.And it exposes the complicity of Western governments – in particular the use of RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus as a base for British surveillance flights over Gaza.


The content of the above video is from already broadcast material particularly posts by Israeli citizens & military on social media boasting of their psycopathic genocidal behaviour when contravening international law with their atrocities.

Now watch the discussion between award winning journalist Richard Sanders & Peter Osborne Middle East Columnist - "Here's a long trailer for you."

FrayedBear 9 Oct 3

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Does the article tell us how to select Hamas out of the population? No. Is virtually all of Gaza comprised of Hamas or Hamas "helpers"? Yes.

They got what they deserved.

Your turn will come.

Nobody deserves especially and mostly women and children running in terror in circles from bombs , guns and tanks. Wail starving , disease and no or very little water. A gal of gas cost a $100, that's the easy part.
Besides everyone they select will be treated the same as terrorist. Wail most of the world already knows, who the true terrorists are.

@FrayedBear It has come.

@Castlepaloma They got what they voted for.

@Alienbeing not impressed nor interested to enquire if my comprehension of your response is what you had in mind when you wrote your uninformative "It has come" - for all I know you've been masturbating & just ejaculated though I very much doubt it with your drug habits.

@FrayedBear I am not interested in anything you say or do, I just like correcting your B.S.

@Alienbeing not even capable of wiping my ass. Brown nosing is about all that you are capable of.

@FrayedBear Everyone cn whip your ass, but most consider your comments so absurd they just ignore you.

@Alienbeing in your dreams Gaza Holocaust denier.

@FrayedBear Who can't whip your ass? Everone I've seen who responds to your lunatic rants does so and does so easily.

@Alienbeing Still in your dreams Gaza Holocaust denier.

@FrayedBear Stop with your current drugs, get new drugs. the quaity of your recent posts is bad, even for you.

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