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Posted in memory of the known 41,800 Palestinians genocidally murdered by psychopathic Israeli Jews in Gaza.

We will remember them:

The names of those killed in Israel’s genocide in Gaza
More than 41,800 people have been killed in a year of Israel’s genocide against Palestinians in Gaza.


FrayedBear 9 Oct 7

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Where are the names of the 17,000 hamas killed. Just like US general say about Iraq, they Don't do or record body counts. How do they know there hasn't been an increased of hamas members???. I would probably go insane if Israel killed my entire family and I had nowhere to escape.

It always upset me that there was no memorial to the Roma & Sinti genocidally murdered by the 3rd Reich until a few years ago.

However no point building a memorial whilst the Jewish psychopaths are allowed to bomb with US & German supplied bombs.


Israeli forces have damaged or destroyed more than 2,000 graves across the Gaza Strip. Shallow tombs of people who were killed by Israelis.

Nothing is off limits or sared to Israel..I like to put these Israelis soldiers in an insane asylum. And tell them they are never getting out, because they are fucking NUTS.

@Castlepaloma watch the Israeli propaganda in films like this one that starts with the military driver saying that he grew up on a kibbutz (on stolen land) in Gaza so for him it is a return home to fight these Hamas terrorists (Palestinian Patriots analogous to 1766 American rebels fighting the British)
'We do what we have to do. This is the most justifiable war we had to fight. We have no other place to go... It's not revenge, it's defending our home,' soldiers tell him -

Or this -
AFP spends a day with the Israeli army troops in the southern Gazan town of Khan Yunis. The city has been reduced to rubble after weeks of fighting, as the Israeli army navigates through what they say are Hamas tunnels discovered underneath the town's cemetery.
YouTube or web browser Again note that what Hamas is doing is analogous American FNP to the British colonists in North America, colonist who then turned into Patriotic Freedom Fighters thing became the1766 American rebels fighting the British.


The 1775 American and French revolution was really the turning point for individualism independent. Before that ,it was run by kings and empires. Probably the most important war for freedom ever in human histoty

That one Israeli soldier was comparing the Oct 7 of a 6 hour attack to being ruled by the Nazis. It was recorded that day of 28 Israeli armored helicopter shooting down everyone and refuled and rearmed again.. Hamas had hand gliders and fireworks like rockets. Why doesn't the Israeli check the bullet holes on all the I600 Israel victoms. I mean, 1,400 victoms, no mean 1200 victoms. No I mean 750 innocent citizens and 56 children .

No no The final death toll from the attack is now thought to be 695 Israeli civilians, including 36 children, as well as 373 security forces and 71 foreigners, giving a total of 1,139. And no beheaded babies or rape victoms. Unless it was done by Israelis.,then it doesn't matter, because Israelis like rape and it's at an LGBT festival.

@Castlepaloma why spoil a good libel by telling the truth? Jewish run Hollywood has been doing it for years. Ask Mel Gibson.

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