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A short video to help you understand how you have been duped by Jewish propaganda all your life regarding the theft of Palestinian's land by European Jews called Zionists. Or will your ego not allow you to see that you have been totally duped all your life?

We often hear that Israel and Palestine is a complicated issue. It's actually not, and here's why.

We take it back to the beginning and find out the history of how Israel got it wrong from the very start when it comes to Palestine.

FrayedBear 9 Oct 9

Enjoy being online again!

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It is impossible for anyone to have stolen Palestine because Palestine was never a country, it was merely an area, and never had local government.

I seem unable to read the word "country" in the post. Are you now taking LSD & seeing things alien?

@FrayedBear Try to type something that makes sense, your post above makes no sense.

@Alienbeing Rudy Vallee sang your song on the Ed Sullivan show 13th February 1949 (I wonder if the news of the Naqba had just got through to him?) here are the words spectaculaly apt to you - "Damned & Doomed from here to Eternity"

Listen carefully to each & every word of the lyrics & realise the their applicability & truth to you & your like minded delusionists.

@FrayedBear Unlike you, I don't rely on entertainment personalities to affect my judgement. I understand why you would rely on entertainment personalities because that is the highest level of communication you can grasp.

@Alienbeing if you could read & understand the English language I could simply print the lyrics. As you can't I have to resort to using what is available to penetrate through your inabilities.

@FrayedBear Obviously you don't realize that lyrics are written by entertainment people. Keep that in mind when trying not to make a fool of yourself.


Good summary

Your mutual admiration society continues. Maybe you and FrayedBear should try show business.

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