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When I was in the hospital bleeding out my butt, having lost half my blood.

My religious girlfriend wanted god to help. She wanted me to finally grab onto god. I wanted no part of that. I just had hope and faith in the doctors. I wanted them to work their asses off to find the problem.! I was thankful for modern medicine, not a god helping me.

If there was a god that could f helped, he could have just prevented the problem in the first place!

JohnGlass 6 Dec 11

Enjoy being online again!

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And what lesson did you learn from that? After all, "God" (cough-cough) has a reason for everything.


It's a good job you're not a Jehovah's Witness. Seriously - I think you and your girlfriend need to talk this out. And I hope you've fully recovered, of course!


So how is that girlfriend relationship working out?
Sorry, I had a Roman Catholic boyfriend for a few months, so I am not judging. 😉

Not well!!!


Agreed my brother... I've seen divorces from crap like this. Heard of children dying because this stupidity... it so sad...


I hope the bleeding from your behind has ceased. 😉

Me too!!

For now.


My sentiments exactly.

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