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So the dishonourable scum in the Israeli Despicable Forces has yet again broken international law attacking & injuring UN peacekeepers. When will these sub humans behave? When they are lobotomised.

World opinion of Israeli incursion into Lebanon.
“Two Blue Helmets have been wounded and this is unacceptable. Any deliberate attack on peacekeepers is a grave violation of International Humanitarian Law and of the UNSC [UN Security Council] Resolution 1701: Israel has an obligation to respect both. Full accountability is needed,” Borrell


The world understands that if the Israeli Jews were not committing genocide & atrocities against the Palestinians then Hezbollah would not be threatening & firing rockets at Jews living in Israel. Jews stop the atrocities & the missiles will stop.
How #stupid are these bigoted fascists?

FrayedBear 9 Oct 10

Enjoy being online again!

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