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LINK Judge green-lights lawsuit by Louisiana students taken to church instead of college fair -- Friendly Atheist

The Plaintiffs say they were forced to listen to Christian propaganda during the school day

Oct 11, 2024

A lawsuit alleging several major church/state separation violations by a public school district in Louisiana will proceed after a federal judge refused to dismiss the case. While an official ruling hasn’t come down yet, this is excellent news for anyone hoping to see justice served after blatant attempts by the district to convert children.

(Follow above article link to read entire article...)

snytiger6 9 Oct 16

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Evangelical Christians are hell bent on ramming their dangerous ideas down children's throats.! 😟

When religion indoctrinates them early, they have a higher yield of "faithful servants".

Their bible book tells them to do this. After a while they start thinking that we are a Christian Nation and came here because we had no religious freedoms before. The next step is Christian Nationalism which is more like an ingrained political belief.

@Betty Religion wants families in their church to have as many kids as possible, so they can indoctrinate those large numbers of children which will eventually result in more people "donating" money. Religion is all about control for the purposes of achieving power and collecting a lot of money.

@snytiger6 When I was young a friend of my mum's had suffered several miscarriages and with the last one almost hemorrhaged to death. The couple was advised not to try again. They went to their priest for advice and the priest told them that a child was a gift from god and if the wife were to die she could be replaced but a child could not.
She had another miscarriage which resulted in a hysterectomy. The priest advised the husband to divorce his wife and marry a woman who could bear children. They were divorced within a year with the blessing of the church.

Where I grew up, it was ninety percent Catholic. Large families were common, many of them poor, and the church did little to help other than to insist they attend mass and pray.

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