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LINK Christian TradWife Lori Alexander's idea of a happy marriage is horrifying -- Friendly Atheist

The Christian blogger celebrated her marriage by saying that, when she first met her now-husband, "I felt like he stole my joy."

Oct 07, 2024

I’ve done it. I’ve upset Christian blogger and professional mommy-shamer Lori Alexander (a.k.a. The Transformed Wife) because I dared to quote her accurately and that always makes her look bad.

(Follow above article link to read entire article ...)

snytiger6 9 Oct 16

Enjoy being online again!

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She has said women should not have careers outside the home, that women shouldn’t become doctors (“I grieve for the lack of grandchildren they will most likely have because of this decision&rdquo😉 and that they’re taking up “positions in medical schools that should belong to men,” that paid family leave and subsidized childcare are bad for America because those policies “make it easier for women to work away from their homes,” that women shouldn’t be cops or in the military and that she can’t believe men are attracted to women in those roles, and that working women are at least partially to blame to the obesity crisis.

She also said, since divorce is never an option in her mind, that a woman whose husband is a child sex predator should still be allowed to spend time with their kids as long as there’s a chaperone around “so the children could still have a relationship with him.”

I keep having to remind people that she’s a real human being because her website and social media usually read like a parody. She says all the things you would say if you were trying to mock the very idea of a Christian mommy who wants to tell you how to live your life.

Personally, my experience is that women doctors are generally better, care more about their patients and more competent than the average male doctor.

@snytiger6 I agree. I have had the worst care from male doctors who liked to pat me on the knee and then discuss my medical status with my husband. She’s obviously brainwashed by the patriarchy into believing that subjugation of women and misogyny is the natural order of things.

@Killtheskyfairy Back in 2011, a female ophthalmologist intern who examined my eyes saw I was bleeding inside my eye. On finding out I had no primary care doctor, she ordered blood tests herself, and when she got the results back, she called me at home and told me to go to the emergency room, as my white blood cell count was extremely high (I found out late it measured at over 80,000). In the emergency room, even though they had the results of the first blood count, they repeated it,and then admitted me with a diagnosis of leukemia. However, it seems the doctors argued about the exact diagnosis, as they could not agree on whether to diagnose it as chronic or acute. I think it was that I was not in any pain at the time that decided they'd say it was chronic and not acute. Anyway, the diagnosis put me a a drug regime, which appears to have cured me. Anyway, back to the eye doctor. That she made the call, she became to be well thought of, and at the end of internship she was offered a permanent position with OHSU (Oregon Health & Science University). She is still my doctor for my vision issues (I have been partially blind for over 30 years), and she even did a cataract surgery on one of my eyes. Anyway, she did make a primary diagnosis of leukemia, but sent me to the hospital to have the diagnosis confirmed. She actually cared enough to order the blood test, which should have been done by a primary care physician, which I didn't have. Most male specialists would not have bothered.


Love is not an emotion. It is a decision of commitment. If you come home daily and can't wait to tear the clothes off the other party this will pass in time. Not that you will stop having sex, but it will no longer be frantic. If your desire in life is to have children together this venture takes up most of your togetherness. All of this would be horrifying to me. In the world of Lori Alexander maybe she should also walk several paces behind her husband, not speak, and have her head covered. This would give her man total control.

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