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LINK The problem with pleading "religious insanity" in court (and how to resolve it) -- Friendly Atheist

A fascinating new paper lays out the constitutional problems with pleas of religious insanity

Oct 02, 2024

In 2005, a man named Amir Kando went to the back stairwell of his apartment building and repeatedly stabbed his neighbor Jason Burley with a knife. The unprompted attack nearly killed Burley, and Kando was soon charged with, among other things, first degree murder.

(Follow above article link to red entire article ...)

snytiger6 9 Oct 16

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He should have been charged with first degree murder. Repeated stabbing shows lots of built up anger and has little to do with insanity, religious or otherwise.

If no judge or jury is allowed to test the truth or falsity of our religious beliefs then many believers who do things that kill their children in the end should be allowed to go free. I do not believe that, but religious believers belief that. It is an absurdity in our law system.


The devil made him. Do it.

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