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LINK NC school district rejects Christian display after debate over legality and legibility -- Friendly Atheist

The Iredell-Statesville Schools Board of Education voted against a proposal to put a Ten Commandments display in every building

Oct 17, 2024

The Iredell-Statesville Schools Board of Education in North Carolina shot down an illegal—and completely unnecessary—plan to erect posters of the Ten Commandments, alongside the Constitution and Bill of Rights, at the entrances or in the libraries of every building in the district.

(Follow above article link to read entire article ...)

snytiger6 9 Oct 17

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Whoa. A few people in North Carolina actually grasp the meaning of the 1st Bill of Rights? Could public education take any credit?

Note this line: "The main reason they rejected the plan was fear that they would be sued over the obvious promotion of Christianity." So the Ten Commandments promote Christianity? Like the one that says not to have other gods and the one that says not to lie and the one that says not to covet other people's wealth? Or is it the amnesia where Jesus said his philosophy should replace that of Judaism? I guess we should be glad that the moron, Sloan, wasn't insisting that everyone only read the Bible like he does. But he IS an unabashed fan of Duck Dynasty...

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