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Listen to Scott Ritter clearly analyse what will occur if Israel continues its psychopathic policies in Gaza, Lebanon & Iran. His observation regarding the USA made at about the 35 minute mark is the first time that I've heard an American express what I have been saying for the last two years on this site.

Scott Ritter, American military analyst, comments on USA, Israel & the probability of nuclear war starting with the obliteration of parts of Iran rapidly followed by Israel.
Biden & the US military industrial complex with their Jewish money masters don't care. Plans are well underway to replace Israel in Capetown, South Africa.

FrayedBear 9 Oct 20

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The only US war , I've supported was the cold war with USSR. Like Scott said, it's the only war that actually was good for humanity US actually spent USSR to death. Those are honorable enough wars where it's USSR fault for over surpression and mismanagement causing many of their own people to die. Today US is the new USSR and more dangerous than ever. , It's created nearly half the worlds population to come together and protect themselves.

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