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LINK The Church of Trump: How He’s Infusing Christianity Into His Movement

Ending many of his rallies with a churchlike ritual and casting his prosecutions as persecution, the former president is demanding — and receiving — new levels of devotion from Republicans.

HippieChick58 9 Oct 26

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The pustule would infuse child sexual abuse into his movement....if he thought it would help him win!


However there is a big problem. Many of the mainline churches do not want to have anything to do with the concept of Christian Nationalism. In the last convention of FFRF in Madison this year a woman representing the Baptist joint committee on religious freedom spoke. A lot of religious people are not ignorant zealots and many know what a Christian Nation would portend and are very much against it.I read her speech and was very much heartened at what she said.
Also, in the latest issue of "Freethought Today" was an item with a graph showing how the Nones (non affiliated) are, by far the leading group with the white evangelical protestant, white mainline evangelical protestant and white Catholic.

I think when one steps before a cheering crowd one may think (which we all know is impossible with tRump) they are in the majority.

Thank you for this great response !! I love FFRF !! They do such good work.

@ThinkingFree I've been to several of their conventions. Despite what one may think they are a lot of fun!

@pedigojr Yes, they are!

@pamagain Duh, I forgot its how we first met. Silly me. Unfortunately, that was my last one. Maybe if I can find a traveling buddy I will attend more in the future.


I know. It is alarming when you look at it.

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