Blame the Spanish for spreading and converting many to Christianity. Blame Communism for taking away from the people something to believe in besides the State. Blame the Jesuits for spreading the word of God. Blame the Catholic Church for imposing its beliefs upon the masses. What do the masses get in return for converting? Education, medicine, and opportunity.
Thirteenth is the Philippines. My wife is Filipina and she can't believe how American's take their religion so seriously. Saying your Christian and living it are two different things. Her mom said she went to church twice so far. Once was to get christened and once to get married. Maybe she'll go back when she dies. It's one thing to be on the books as a Christian but it's another to live your life like so many here do.
The Philippines is one of the places where they actually reenact the crucifixion and there are actually flagellants. I think your wife is one of an emerging group that will probably remain hidden.