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LINK Woman accused of stalking, sending man 65,000 texts after one date |

A prime example of why sharing your number in the dating world isn't always a good idea.

Crimson67 8 May 10

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36 comments (26 - 36)

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Yup. I never give out my number.


Got it. But fortunately this is a rather unusual occurrence. As the saying goes, stuff happens.


But she REALLY likes him. ☺


A woman and I were living together and broke up about 1990. And one night, about 4 weeks later, she calls me repeatedly from a payphone - I guess about 40 times, while drunk. I answered and talked with her for the first few calls, and then i stopped answering. So a few hours later, she and the police were at my condo where we once lived together... it took me probably 45 minutes to convince the cops that she didn't live there anymore, and NOTHING of hers was inside my place! (I even helped her move to a different place when we split.) So, they looked around. (I suspect one of the cops was a friend of her brother....) Anyway, they all finally left, and it was my very first (and only) experience of a "domestic quarrel" (or whatever it's titled) where the police were called. (Oh - she has called me a few times since, including 1 year ago = she was currently married, had been divorced twice since we split....)




How she could send so many texts is the 64,000 dollar question!




65 thousand ? This guy should have called cops after 6 unwanted texts


Stalking? PLease, the proper word would be texting .


He must have been good in bed to get that kind of reaction!

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