Just a reminder… new age bullshit is nevertheless still bullshit.
I have seen Julia many times at the FFRF conferences and she is 'crazy' (like a fox).
His theories are simply more anthropocentric arrogance. The word anthropocentric (and ethnocentric, egocentric and a myriad of other centrics are, for me, a defining word of where we are and how we got here).
As far as finding enlightenment on the golf course one only needs to look at our present "Fuhrer" to see the BS in that idea.
I love that whole movie. I certainly agree with her that Deepak Chopra is full of shit. I remember a debate that Lawrence Krauss was having with Deepak, and Chopra started in on his woo and Lawrence told him that "Unlike you I understand quantum mechanics."
I think Chuck Schumer was in on that too and he was just laughing at Deepak.
Have you seen the Deepak random quote generator?