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Which is more useful, intelligence or wisdom?

  • 29 votes
  • 55 votes
kensmile4u 8 May 11

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58 comments (26 - 50)

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So I voted intelligence but I feel like I need more information. Or the circumstances. They both have their place but for being "useful" I think you need intelligence.


This seems appropriate for this discussion.

A smart man makes a mistake, learns from it, and never makes that mistake again. But a wise man finds a smart man and learns from him how to avoid the mistake altogether. -Roy H. Williams


Didn't vote because the option I agree with isn't listed -- "Equally important"


The level of intelligence one has dictates the amount of wisdom one can acquire. The first deals with capability; the raw talent of an individual. Wisdom is attained by the application of intelligence to experiences encountered and the formulation of ideas as to the best way to handle future circumstances.

However, intelligence without ambition or affirmative actions is useless as to the acquisition of wisdom. It is akin to a sports car with no wheels.




I would not like to take wisdom to the marketplace, such as school or work. I think it would be at odds with the general spirit prevailing. I'm not a believer anymore but I think the Christian idea of 'not throwing pearls before swine' captured a real dilemma for aspiring people in a dog-eat-world.


Wisdom is as byproduct of intelligence . I have not meet as anyone that is wise and not being intelligent as a catylast


To sum it up. The person I know who is the most ridiculously intelligent person, off the charts, is in jail for murder. And not smart crafty Murder. In s very stupid situation Murder. Idiot. But 160+ IQ.

A high iq is not intelligence only the potential to learn. I think your friend proves that point. I have a high i q (not that high) and I do stupid things on a regular basis. Lol

@River-david True but his intelligence was never in doubt. Reading at a 10th grade level in kindergarten. Studied painting for about a week before creating amazing art in third grade. Same year, learned the trumpet and played in high school band. Fourth grade, tackled calculus. And won. Should have been the guy who cured cancer or AIDS or the common cold.

@Jenmcjen who now's what else a guy like that might have done given time to achieve wisdom. May I ask why he did what he did.

@River-david Well, that is a humongous question that people have been trying to answer since he was very young. My opinion, a sociopath who chose crime, as in getting away with stuff, over positive goals. Why one person does that versus going the positive way? No clue. I'll tell you one thing - it wasn't because of his parents. He had fucking awesome, loving, hardworking parents who tried to get him help since a very young age.

@Jenmcjen thanks for the info. As soon as I hit send I second quests that decision to ask. Yeah I can't blame the parents. I have two brothers and we all are vary different and do not make the same desitions alike. Some times I quess being vary smart doesnt mean alot in the face of many other factors..


Intelligence might help you through life... And it could be said that intelligent people are more likely to learn from their mistakes, which is wisdom. I think the question is faulty in some way.


Define your terms.


I think I'm more intelligent than wise. I'm not sure it's a good thing.


Which is more nutty a almond or walnut?


Wis is good to avoid the effects of enchantments (Will save). Int is good for skill points .



No intelligence, no wisdom. I have seen intelligence and no wisdom, especially in the academic world, becuase they had no real world experiences. They only knew what they had read. I listen to people who have done it, not read about it.


Neither is more important than the other.


Wisdom is the ability and thoughtfulness to incorporate knowledge into living one's life.... true understanding is culmination of both.


I've never meet anyone wise that was not intelligent. Some people never learn from there mistakes, others make mistakes and learn from them, a wise person learns from other people's mistakes and doesn't make the same one... .

indeed thanks for the spell


The wise person is usually intelligent. Intelligence is a foundation of wisdom. So both are useful/necessary to have depending on the situation. I don't think one trumps the other. You need both and you know when and how to use them.


Knowledge is power, but raw power. Without compassion and empathy to guide it, it can be distructive or creative.


Knowledge is Power, use it wisely


If wisdom is the art and practice of living well, then many skills are required, including intelligence, emotion, luck, common sense....

cava Level 7 May 11, 2018

Intelligence without wisdom is dangerous.


That's tough. Both of course. I really dig intelligent conversation but I'm not crazy about know it alls. I've never met a wise person who thought they knew it all. I just can't stand ignorance.


Unfortunately there is no "right" answer. it depends on the situation. Wisdom is born of experience. if you're in a situation that you've been in before, wisdom wins out. If you're doing a math equation intelligence wins. If the question is whether to date a widow and your experience tells you that they married the best guy in the world and for most widows you can't replace him, that's wisdom telling you what to do. Etc.

lerlo Level 8 May 17, 2018

Met a lot of 'smart' people that didn't know shit.

Never met a wise man that knew a damn thing.

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