I'd definitely pick a cute one!
I'm afraid I would take advantage of this opportunity by writing my own fictional charater, and then bringing HER to life.
Wicked, aren't I?
Y’know, I was thinking of naming the female character in the novel I just wrote. She’s awesome.
There was a "Twilight Zone" episode about that. Didn't turn out well!
I'd pick Jesus so he could set Christians straight about the actual truth of his life which is far from the mythologies created about him...but it would be a waste of time since the mythologies are what define their beliefs and reason for being.
They would just deny that it was him and keep on truckin.
Deadpool. Time to make the chimi-fuckin’-changas!
@silvereyes: I felt like the movie was made specifically for me — by far the most fun I've had in a movie theater. I've never played Marvel vs. Capcom, but I've seen some video captures of gameplay.
@silvereyes: Here's a little fun for you:
I do that in my dreams a lot-Finger Shooting.
Well heck... Harry Potter was taken. Hmmm... Mickey Mouse... I think we could talk to a lawyer about some copyrights... cha ching!
Yes... That will work @silvereyes.
jesus.... and I will asked him was this the plan? 2000 years later?
Lol that’s too funny. I’d probably ask him why has he kept people waiting so long for him to come back, considerijg he promised in the Bible. I thought Jesus was the truth and he never lies. Then again he did ask some people to still a colt for him so...
Jesus. The longest orgasm in history. Still waiting for him to cum!
Eowyn, LOTR; why, I like pretty blonde women with blue eyes that can use a sword; no pun intended.
Eowyn and Merry were my two favorite characters in LOTR, so the chapter "The Battle of the Pelennor Fields" on the fall of Theoden and the slaying of the Lord of the Nazgul was more the emotional climax of the trilogy for me than, say, the struggle at Mount Doom.
"But no living man am I!" and the rest of her defiant speech against the Lord of the Nazgul is such a bad-ass reveal on the battlefield that I can't read it without getting emotional.
I was somewhat disappointed with the way her character was portrayed in the movies because (1) her feelings for Aragorn were overplayed I felt - she seemed too lovelorn, (2) during the film version of the Ride of the Rohirrim she wasn't disguised as Dernhelm, which undercut the dramatic reveal on the battlefield, and (3) my imagination of that particular scene on the battlefield was just better.
That said, I still loved Jackson's LOTR very much overall and absolutely loathed his Hobbit. How one and the same man could do such justice to Tolkien in one set of movies and foul up the same author's vision in another set is beyond me.
I found both of Jackson’s works very wanting. Entertaining, but not very inaccurate. Mittrander was far more irascible than Ian McKellum could portray. But I’m rather fond of strong women. I find intelligence and strength of character very attractive. Eowyn was very respectable.
Alfred E. Numan, The "What Me Worry" kid from Mad Magazine, because I just love me a guy with a concise philosophy.
Or maybe, my favorite philosopher, -- Bugs Bunny
Hmmmm, who would give me immortality? Wait... no... Willow from Buffy the vampire slayer, she could teach me badass magic stuffs.
Archer Emiya from Fate Stay Night unlimited blade works.
It'd nice to talk to a guy who wanted to be a hero but ended up being forced to kill an infinite number of terrorists, extremists and anyone deemed to be "evil" until the end of time.
Hard way to live, even harder way to die.
Yeah. His English voice actor was perfect. His voice made the seriousness, anger and condescension of the character really stand out.
Plus unlimited blade works is much more gruesome than the original fate stay night.
So many people die. Great storyline, great animation. Overall a good watch.
My girlfriend for obvious reasons
Is she an imaginary friend?