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xmas trees

Do you put up a xmas tree during the holiday season or celebrate anything during this time?

  • 19 votes
  • 19 votes
mistymoon77 9 Dec 12

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I have an 11 year old daughter.


Because trees aren't christian, they're pagan and I love the pretty lights


Yes, I have a tree most years. My ornaments are very special to me. Each a fond memory from each year of my life. Events of life and death and growth.


Not a christian. Live alone. No point.


trees give us oxygen and I hate Christmas


Love the fragrance of a fresh tree. (around here, they are farmed. Trees notcselected eventyally get bulldozed). We celebrate the year end holidays because we love the time off from work/school and greatly enjoy being together.

Zster Level 8 Dec 13, 2017

Bone idleness and the fact I'm not having guests over for christmas. My christmas decoration consists of a single (green) bauble hanging in the living room.


No tree. I live with a dog that would have it destroyed in less than 60 seconds.


I like putting up a tree (artificial). My family doesn’t make it about religion. And I have quite a few friends that are atheists, and we all celebrate Christmas. We just don’t celebrate CHRISTmas.


Santa with family


Just because I no longer believe in Jesus but Christmas as alot more to do with it. A Xmas tree is not a symbol of Christian beliefs


I got grandkids so I do, there is nothing like the sight and smell of a good pagan symbol to make them happy.


I am single and Christmas is an event to be shared. Putting up a tree and decorating it just for myself doesn't seen worth the effort. I don't celebrate Christmas when I am "single".

I currently live in my sister's house and she put up a tree. he kids are grown, but are home for Christmas, so she has family to decorate for.


Baa-HumBug I'm lazy and I hate Christmas. Family get togethers are great but gift giving sucks, except for my sister who gives novelty or humorous gifts.


Yes, we have one.
I could have done without it but my sister put it up.
It does add a bit cheeriness during an otherwise gloomy time of year.

That is the whole point of the holiday even after the christians stoled it it still is.


I don't bother with this ridiculous holiday at all. I boycott the stores if at all possible. Don't do anything special on my days off from work other than get some shit done around the house that needs to get done and things for myself that I let slide. Pagan or not, this is just my opinion but anyone who buys into this ritual is honoring a religious holiday. Anyone that sees someone with a xmas tree of any kind of decorations will automatically assume they are religious. I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea of who and what I am about so I don't do anything because to me, it's totally meaningless.

I never really thought of Christmas as a religious holliday, even when I was religious.

Bah Humbug to you, too.


I put winter decorations up. Figurines of snowmen, santa, santa rubber ducky, a rope light around my window, Pooh bear figurine with Tigger, and a snow globe.


I celebrate the secular Xmas. Love, family etc. I just don't bother with the tree.


Give gifts to my grandchildren.


I like the way it looks, the colored lights, the shiny ornaments, and it makes me smile. I only put up a 2ft tree these days but I still like it.

SamL Level 7 Dec 23, 2017

No point in it as I do not celebrate christmas

MattW Level 6 Dec 13, 2017

I am not going encourage a pagan rite that has been appropriated by another pagan group.


I love Christmas, I'm just not interested in hauling a dead tree into my house decorating it's dead corpse with lights and colored bulbs and tinsel. However, if I'm ever with someone who feels different I would have no problem doing that for them.


I have a few reasons, one being I still have kids at home. I like the pretty lights, my youngest decorated the tree last year, and the lights were just stunning, I wanted to leave it up.

We believe in the Pagan roots of the solstice season, and celebrate those, rather than the stolen reasons.


We (or should I say my wife) likes to put up a Christmas tree. It isn't for religious purposes. One year we didn't put one up and she felt there was something missing. Didn't feel right.


Yes, because it has nothing to do with religion and its a fun place to put the presents.

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